Alexey P.

Alaya is a Master. In practical terms it means that his music is deeper and richer than my particular mood or taste at a given moment. When I am looking for relaxation – it helps me reduce tension. When I am happy to fly – it adds sparkles. When I am rushing – it calms. When I am ready to explore – it invites. When I am just driving – it drives with me and makes me a better person on arrival. In a word, his music became a good friend.
Alaya’s music is often deceivingly simple. I sounds so natural, I start wondering why other music is not as crisp. Turns out, this natural sound is created truly from “ground up”: from individual notes, to groups of notes, and to the melody. The result is as crisp and familiar as a lake, an ocean, a sky, a canyon.
A lake, an ocean, or a canyon are good vacation destinations. They are rare, they clear mind, and they bring joy. And so, Alaya music. It heals, it collects, it cheers up, it inspires, and it surprises. But it does not push, it does not dominate, it leaves plenty room. It is a ready vacation at hand.
Today, in a highly targeted, specialized, and fractured environment, Alaya’s music has a surprising universal quality. And this is what mastery means to me.
I use this amazing music as means for opening up for communication with my higher self for awakening inner strength and self realization, also to take me quickly into the state of relaxation and bliss.
Some of the songs I use to increase sense of inner peace and emotional stability ( Deep relaxation , Improved memory, heightened intuition)
Some of them – increase focus, concentration and sense of being in the now.
Music is ideal for healing, and encouraging a state of Zen. The calming, subtle sounds take me to a higher state of consciousness, and allow me to give and receive powerful vibrations.

Irina B.

Zhanna S.
It is very difficult task to express feeling in a few short words of review.
I am writing about music of my Teacher, Guru, my Friend.
I just recently realized that without Alaya’s music I wouldn’t be the person I am now.
I wake up and go to sleep with this music, with Alaya’s Mantras.
Music of my Teacher helping me to fly in spirit and connect with other, higher sphere.
I am not a musician, I never went to learn the professional music, but now when I listen to Alalya’s music, I don’t need to know notes and music rules, I just tune my soul to sounds and I am happy.