Light Of The Soul

Do you remember that incredible feeling of tranquility that you experience by the ocean or on the mountains? Do you remember how great you feel there? That is because all your problems leave your head. Music of the album “Light of the Soul” brings you to the ocean of love and to the top of…

Play Of Opposites

Do you know why as children we feel so good and laugh so much? It is because we play. The album “Play of Opposites” brings us back to this playful state. The purpose of this album is very simple: to arouse our youthful happiness, our joy and our health. For example, the composition titled “Civilization…

Life Is A Dance

“Life can be described as a dance, filled with lightness, flexibility and harmony”. The album Life is a Dance energizes our entire being. Dance with it and you will find the happiness. Dance with it and your heart will dance with joy to achieve the happiness we all desire. Buy full Album [add_to_cart id=”1939″] 1.…

Cleansing by Nature – Water Sounds

The method “Cleansing with water” is known since ancient times. The Master would take his students to a source of water, be it a waterfall, a river, a stream, a sea or an ocean, and ask them to listen into the sound of moving liquid.  Students needed to tune into the rhythm and harmonics of…


Joy, adventure and tranquility are always a part of Alaya’s music. But this album, where subtlety unites with form, will bring you to the clarity and unmistakable feeling of light within your own self. A captivating dance of subtle forms with a touch of sublime and the soft sensation of love will take you to…

Consciousness Travel Meditation (in Russian)

Существует множество видов медитаций, но среди них есть “особые”, без которых, нашей внутренней мудрости трудно, или даже невозможно проснуться. Данная медитация относится к числу “особых”, и помогает буквально переосознать наше восприятие и сознание, открывая новые Пути и возможности. Consciousness Travel Meditation – Album (in Russian) [68:02] [fap_track url=”″ title=”” share=”” cover=”” meta=”” layout=”button” enqueue=no auto_enqueue=no]…

Mantra of Unity

Mantra is a special form of energy expressed in music. In translation from Sanskrit “mana” means consciousness, and “tra” means to free. Therefore, mantra is the freedom of mind from ignorance. Here we have introduced the mantra of unity with the Absolute: “OM AHAM BRAHMASMI” – I Am Brahma! (endless and eternal) “AYAM ATMA BRAHMA”…

Om Mani Padme Hum

Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM will cleanse your mind and put you in touch with Inner Light, purifying you of karma. Percussion, which is changing throughout the composition, symbolizes our regular day-to-day life. These never-ending changes should not affect our center of Inner Light. Therefore, by carefully following Mantra we will ignore the changes of…

Journey to the Highest Sphere

I want to spread my wings, push off the ground and take off. I want to soar high above the ground catching winds and chasing clouds. I want to play with first rays of the raising Sun. I want to fly among the stars in the moonlight and catch wondering meteors. I want to… If…

Deep Meditation

After cleansing yourself with the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM, you enter into deep meditation. Follow these steps: Step 1 – complete relaxation and disconnection from the body. Step 2 – smooth union with light and awakening of inner delight. Step 3 – gathering of light into a single purpose-intent. Step 4 – entering the unknown… Step 5…